Alright, after working with Atomic today on the issue we have come up with a fix for the signal issue. The fix itself was not hard at all, just took a bit of trial and error.
The first proposed fix was for me to use Super 88 3M tape and line the inside of the case with that to isolate the phone from the aluminum. Because the aluminum conducts it has the same problems the death grip gives the phone. Well after some careful cutting and trimming I got it to work. However it was very tedious work and not something that is easy for everyone to do.
So I dug through my garage and found some 3M Automotive Pinstripe that I had used on the grill of my Subaru to give it the S202 look. It was a perfect fit! Fit nicely inside the channel and just hit the sides enough to isolate the phone from the case properly. So again I applied it to the inside of the case, around the entire thing, carefully trimming around the openings, and I made a slight overlap where the screws are. This fix 100% solved my problems.
To prove that it was working I did several things.
1) Tested the phone in my house with the Micro-Cell w/o Case
2) Tested my phone outside the range of my Micro-Cell w/o Case
3) Tested my phone in my house with the Micro-Cell w/ Factory Apple Bumper Case
4) Tested my phone outside the range of my Micro-Cell w/ Factory Apple Bumper Case
5) Tested my phone inside my house with the Micro-Cell with the Atomic Case
6) Tested my phone outside the range of my Micro-Cell with the Atomic Case
7) Tested my phone inside my house with the Micro-Cell, Atomic Case, and Pinstripe fix
8) Tested my phone outside the range of my Micro-Cell, Atomic Case, and Pinstripe fix
Here are the Results:
Inside House With Micro Cell:
W/O Case Apple Approved Grip: Between -48 and -71 dB depending on location
W/O Case Giving Death Grip: Between -85 and -95 "" ""
W/ Apple Bumper: Between -50 and -73 dB "" ""
W/ Atomic Case no fix: Between -81 and -90dB "" ""
W/ Atomic Case and Fix: Between -49 and -73dB "" ""
So as you can see with the fix I am only getting a 1-2 dB loss depending on my location in the house. Both where taken from marked spots. One With Full bars 10ft away from Micro Cell, one upstairs and about 75 feet away form the micro cell -1 bar from full, and outside in my garage -2 bar from full about 200 ft from micro cell.
I also tested the phone phone with the Griffin case installed and my readings where between -56 and -83 dB. Which was worse than both the Apple bumper and the Atomic Case!
Testing on Edge Network to follow:
Initial reading showing between -1 and -2dB worse signal with the Atomic case and Fix on the phone than with no case at all, and the same results as with the Apple Bumper.
Testing on 3G Network to follow:
After talking to Unni he has made the decision to go with a similar fix. Using a inlay on the case that will be die cut to fit the case and isolate the phone from the case. They will be the only Aluminum case so far with this. The little foam bumpers in in the Element case will not allow total isolation. So he has already been in contact with a place that can make the inlays for him and all the new cases will be shipping with this liner within DAYS!
If you already have a case and are having problems I am sure if you contact Unni at Atomic he will send you out a set of isolators for your phone if not better. Just please contact him, let him know your issue, and he will address it as soon as the isolators are available to him.
But no fear ladies and gents. There is a TOTAL FIX in the works, not just a band-aid like I made. It will be an exact match to the cut outs in the case so there will be no issues with it not isolating your phone.
Pics of my test fix:
Unni also assured me that he will be taking care of the customer from London who had similar problems. The issue with my headphones was addressed as well. It was something wrong with the adapter I was using on my headphones from my old 3G iPhone.