Charging iphone 5 battery

Charging iphone 5 battery

Leave it plugged in for the next 10 years and it won't make a difference in the world. Well other than you now have a 10 year old phone that still works ;)
chubaka said:

What is your response to this quote from another user?


Norbert, why is it a NO to leave it plugged in all nite? I thought it would charge till it was full then stop. Sure wish Apple would weigh in here!
You can leave an iPhone plugged in for as long as you want and it will not damage the battery. Ever.
Norbert, why is it a NO to leave it plugged in all nite? I thought it would charge till it was full then stop. Sure wish Apple would weigh in here!

Lithium batteries do exactly that. They charge to 100% and stop charging. Why do you need Apple to weigh in on this, those of us who have been around lithium batteries all know that.

That's why I poked fun a bit a member who suggested you leave it in 20 minutes after it reached 100%. That would do absolutely no additional benefit.
Actually I can chime in on the extra 20 minutes. Back in the early days a lot of smart phones didn't properly show the final stage of charging even though the phone showed 100%. Apple appears to have figured that out. If you take the time to observe the finally 100% stage of an iPhone you will see it switch from a lightning bolt to a plug symbol. Today we know it is a lot shorter than 20 minutes thru observation. But 3 years ago I and a lot of other people could only guess. So we all overestimated.

And that is the history of the extra 20 minutes. And I am in a large part to blame for that history.
Well, today I brought my phone down to 10% and charged it to 100% So I've done it and that will be the end of it.

Actually my battery app told me that it was 100% even though the lightning bolt was 99%. I plugged it back in and it went to 100% in about 20 minutes.
I run my battery a little differently. Maybe Skull can weigh in. So at 10am I pull the phone off the charger fully charged overnight. I start work at 1pm. I work in a cooler and listen to spotify offline all night. Even with all the extra stuff turned off my battery hits about 40% by lunch at 5. I plug it in for 30 minutes at lunch which gets back to anywhere around 55-60% depending o how much I use it while sitting there. I get home at 10pm and plug it in for the night. Rinse/repeat. On my weekends I plug it in as much as I can. I have a fear of getting stuck somewhere without a phone. So essentially it goes from the house to the car back to the house. When I know I won't be going anywhere I leave it unplugged all day. I guess my question is this.. Am I affecting the battery negatively by trying to keep it charged as much as possible? I did discharge it to about 15% the first day after fully charging it. Thanks for the help.
You have nothing to worry about. You are using the battery as designed. Now iOS might get off by 1 to 3% in about 60 or so days. But to fix that, if you are worried, just deep cycle it once to teach iOS the new limits. That's about as hard as it gets with modern smart phones these days.
Wheee.......I'm new to these kinds of thread. Reminds me of a motor oil thread on car forums. I would read & heed what "Skull One" has to say. From my understanding of batteries, it has the ring of truth. I know one thing: I've had my share of "i-devices" with Li-ion batteries, and they've always given good service beyond the warranty or AppleCare. And I do absolutely nothing special to "condition" or otherwise fluff up the battery. I just don't have time for that, and would probably quit using these things if I had to do it.

It should probably be re-emphasized: when the battery is deep-discharged periodically, it is strictly for the benefit of the iOS, teaching it the battery capacity at that point in its life, and has nothing to do with "exercising" or somehow making the battery work better.
Ok can I know how long I need to charge in 1st time the iPhone come out from the box some people said 8 hour 1st charging
Apple ships iPhones with a charge of 40% to 80% unless it is a first month production run and those come out at 85%+. So you should never need more than 3 hours to hit full charge. In fact it would be closer to 2 hours.
But I already charge 8 hour because their said 1st charging 8 hour after that just charge until reach 100% n then pull out :(

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