iPhone 4S Already Flickr’s Second Most Popular Cameraphone

iPhone 4S Already Flickr’s Second Most Popular Cameraphone


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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors reports that in the short time since its launch, the iPhone 4S has already established itself on photography site Flickr as the second most popular cameraphone, behind the iPhone 4, which is still way out in front, and just ahead of the iPhone 3G and 3GS in third and fourth place respectively. The stats and graph come courtesy of Flickr’s Camera Finder section, which lets you check out which are the most popular smartphone and point-and-shoot cameras on the site. As you can see, the only non-Apple cameraphone of the whole bunch is HTC’s EVO 4G. As MacRumors notes, the iPhone in its various forms became the most popular camera on Flickr back in 2009, coming out in front of regular point-and-shoot cameras as well as smartphones. Going by these figures, that glorious reign looks set to continue for some time to come. I wonder how long it will take the iPhone 4S to overtake the iPhone 4, especially seeing as the general consensus about the iPhone 4S's 8MP camera seems to be that it is superior to that of the iPhone 4?

Source: iPhone 4S Becomes Second Most Popular Cameraphone on Flickr - Mac Rumors
To be fair, this might be a bit biased as I would be willing to bet money that the majority of Android users use Picasa, since it is natively supported by the OS (being a Google product).

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