Leaked Details on Upcoming iPod, iPhone, iPad Lineups?

Leaked Details on Upcoming iPod, iPhone, iPad Lineups?


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Aug 7, 2010
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Inland Vic, AU
The Australian http://www.iphoneinaustralia.com/ site has recently posted this information:

Apple is reportedly pushing up the release date of the fifth-generation iPhone to early 2011 (as soon as January) due to antenna issues with the iPhone 4. It’s unclear if the iPhone components will be repackaged into a difference shell. iLounge finds this one hard to believe.

iPhone 4 Bumpers
Apple is currently working on a less expensive all-silicone version of the Bumper to give away after September. iLounge's source says Apple was considering giving away free Bumpers before taking the chance to launch with the bare device.

read more under recent news on the Home page. Cheers Anton....
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I hardly doubt their will be another iPhone release as earlier as the 1st few months of next year (4-6 months from now). I mean, people are still waiting for their new iPhones to come in the mail. Even the White model 4's aren't even available yet.

Plus, it'll take a lot of convincing from my wife that if it does come out, to upgrade to the next model so soon ;).
Id this is true then Im taking my iphone back right now and rockin a dumb phone for a few months. (Im still within my 30 day window)
Here's a review at Cnet au that referes to the antenna issue in detail.
Apple iPhone 4 Review - Smartphones & PDA Phones

Seems to me that Apple can't claim it is just a software glitch, if placing a physical band around the phone reduces the problem. The issue will either be inductive or capacitive, thus they are trying to introduce more distance (isolation) from the antenna and hence a cheap workaround. The same result could have been acheived by issuing rubber gardening gloves for use while holding the phone. lol.

Not what you would expect from one of the worlds leading electronics companies. That said, I do not distract from the fact that I think the iP4 is a great phone and I will still be getting one and live with the patch.

Enough tests have been carried out here in Oz that show that the bumpers work even in regional areas. Cheers Anton....
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I say no.... Apple is a creature of habit... Next iPhone will be on the same schedule as this year. In my opinion they will use some kind of coating around the edges and not change the overall design.
If you remember the complaints after the 1st iPhone came out, and then they lowered the price a few months later. I think the reaction to this will be a lot worse.
I'd be so angry if they were to release a new iPhone in 2011.

Yeah I'd say that would be another problem for them. I think if they change it physically it would have to use most of the current design. Maybe they can coat the band. Maybe a couple clear coats would to the trick and it won't look any different at all?
I'd be so angry if they were to release a new iPhone in 2011.

Yeah I'd say that would be another problem for them. I think if they change it physically it would have to use most of the current design. Maybe they can coat the band. Maybe a couple clear coats would to the trick and it won't look any different at all?

Most likely but WHY would they even think about releasing a new iPhone when the iPhone 4 just came out! It just doesnt make any sense. I understand if they are releasing a lineup for Verizon((if it goes through)) but to release a new one for AT&T? Ugh... Its just rumors.. hope it stays like that.
I agree with Danny next iPhone will be around same time next year so don't go into a panic. Yes a new iPod touch sooner than you think possible smaller iPad to fill the gap to compete against Dell and others . From my experience with Apple they will target new products to keep the excitement up. Frankly I think Apple has something up their sleeve that will be the surprise. One can only wonder when the 1 Billion dollar 500,000 sq ft server farm in North Carolina will come on line and exactly what it is going to be used for ..... Cloud iTunes sync anyone? As Danny said Apple has a track record ..... Let's see what happens
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They won't release a new iPhone yet. They will release around June probably as the White one isn't even out!
Those silly Aussies... They don't know what they're talking about. They probably get their sources from kangaroos. On a serious note, despite the antenna issue (my phone isn't affected for some reason) they are selling like hotcakes. And if bumpers are a quick solution to this problem... Then I'm all for it. Every IP4 owner should have a bumper on their phone anyways. It's too beautiful when it's bare naked. Might turn some people on. I would recommend getting the griffin reveal case over the iPhone bumper though. The iPhone bumper is not a case and will be vulnerable to damage. Griffin reveal case is very much the same bumper with added protection for the back of the phone.
Wasn't it reported that the new international phones aren't suffering from issues?

Anyway, in the event of a whole new design in January, I'd be pissed. I'm a yearly upgrader but that would piss me off.

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