Music not coming out from left speaker iPhone 4S after upgrade to IOS 7

Music not coming out from left speaker iPhone 4S after upgrade to IOS 7


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Mar 14, 2012
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Music not coming out from left speaker of my iPhone 4S 64 GB after my succesful upgrade to IOS 7. Music comes from both left and right channels when monitored through headphone.
Phone calls in handsfree mode can be heard from both speakers, but not when I play music
Any one else experienced the same orpblen?

Any suggestions?
There is no left speaker on the iPhone 4S, the grille on the left side of the charging port is the microphone used during phone calls.
Strange. I never realised it before as I was always hearing through headphone.
Thanks for enlightening me.
So 4s has only one speaker ? Mono?
All iOS devices, that have speakers, are mono at present.

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