OT: iTunes Won't Let Me Re-Arrange Icons

OT: iTunes Won't Let Me Re-Arrange Icons


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Aug 24, 2011
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Hey Everyone,

For some reason I can't arrange the icons on my iphone's screen via iTunes. When I go into the apps tab, the icons don't appear the same in iTunes as they do on my iPhone's screen.

First off, I have the 5 icon dock tweak installed, as well as infinidock. However in itunes under the app tab of my device it only shows 4 icons in the dock, not 5.

Also, on my iPhone, I have various pages with 3 or 4 icon spaces blank. So essentially I want to rearrange my icons in itunes to get my icons into folders, and to get the icons arranged so that the spaces where icons use to be but were uninstalled (leaving a blank space on the page) are all filled up and I have no blank icon spaces anymore on any of my pages. The problem here is, under the app tab for my device in iTunes, it's not showing my device screens with the blank spaces as they appear on my phone. When I do a sync, it's not correcting the icon arrangement either.

Any help would be great!!
first off you won't see any tweaks on your iphone through itunes and secondly do you have the sync apps checked off?
Yes, I have sync apps checked, and I can be ok with itunes showing me only 4 icons in the dock rather than 5...that's OK for me to adjust manually....easy enough. But it's still not showing my app screen right on my device because I have 2 or 3 pages on my iPhone with blank icon spaces, but in iTunes it's ignoring the blank icon spaces and acting as all the pages are filled with icons. Any ideas?
all i could suggest is a reinstall..but I'll look around for you

Thank you so much!!!! I will too. If I find a solution I will post it here for others. Cheers!!

you're welcome. question why dont you just drag the apps over each other and create folders that way. on your phone?
also try transferring your purchases to the pc. right click the iphone when itunes is open and select transfer purchases. also make sure you have the installing apps and deleting apps in ON
Open Settings, go to General, see what it says next to "Restrictions" (the bottom-most setting on the screen if you don't scroll down).
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What you have to remember is that iTunes has been programmed to manage a stock iPhone. It has no idea how to cope with any JB tweak which starts to mess with the springboard, like infinidock, folder enhancer, etc.

So once you start installing stuff like that you more or less lose your ability to manage the springboard icon layout through iTunes reliably. That's why the representation you see in there does not look the same as your actual device.
The best advice is to manage your layout on your phone I'm afraid. Reinstalling iTunes won't cut it. It is just not JB tweak aware!

Hope that helps.

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