So you switched from Android to iPhone. Are you happy?

So you switched from Android to iPhone. Are you happy?

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Oh, and by the way, the problem with Android manufacteres is they feel to address the lag issues with the software is to throw massive amounts of hardware at the problem, rather than really make an OS that interfaces well with the hardware.

Androids solution? Lets make our phone obsolete 2 months after they release with the bigger, and better piece of hardware, but never really address software issues to begin with.


It is the Microsoft Windows cycle all over again :)
lol @ apple fanboy

Second mistake you have made about me. I hate Apple and it's business practices. But at present the iPhone is the best technical solution for my needs. And as a software developer the only platform making money is the Apple App Market. So I adapt and learn.

I suggest you quit making assumptions. You are very bad at it.
Please don't mistake sarcasm for anger. They are not the same thing.

Task killers are not a solution. They are part of the problem. And an app will reload back into memory instantly after a task killer is used on it if any of the event triggers get called. So at that point you are actually wasting battery fighting the OS to keep a program from running.

My Motorola Droid A855 shows the same characteristics as my iPhone for signal level when making calls and holding it the same exact way. The human body acts as a signal sink no matter what you do if there is metal on flesh contact that is tied to the antenna.

I still use my Droid every day. And it reminds me every day why the Droid stays at home while the iPhone goes with me everywhere. Android is still trying to figure out its identity and how to go from being a toy to a very useful tool. Maybe during the life cycle of 3.x that might occur. But Google isn't releasing that source code for us developer to review yet. And that is a very troubling sign.

Amen! I totally agree!
I don't understand anything about what your saying.

I am sorry you don't.

I have owned a Incredible, Droid 2, and Droid X. Not once has anything you said EVER happened to me.

That means you haven't loaded any misbehaved apps or you use very few. That simply makes you rather lucky.

My IPhone 4 drops calls, non-stop.

I dropped more calls with my D1 than my iPhone 4 in the first month of use.

You can't say IPhone beats Droid. Though I like IPhone, its impossible.

I never once said any phone beats another phone. Your assuming again.

The Android Market will soon be much larger than the IOS market, due to how easy it is to develop.

The Android market is going to be larger due to any idiot with Eclipse, the Android SDK and a free Google developer account being able to post anything with two minutes of getting started. And if you were a developer you would know for a fact that it is faster to develop on the iPhone and WP7 over Android. I have been developing software for 28 years. I know exactly what I am talking about. Heck try reading major software houses review on Android. People like Epic say "It sucks on Android" because of all the issue I have listed in my posts.

Android also has MUCH better navigation. And they have MUCH more variety. I can decide from a big screen with no physical keyboard, or a small screen with a keyboard.

You have finally made one factual statement, congrats.

On IP4, I get a TINY screen, with no keyboard.

This is a preference. If you are blind, I could see the issue.

My Droid X is currently giving my IPad 3G to use.


Droid X has mobile hotspot to 5 devices, for only 240$ a year. 20 a month.

And the iPhone 4 has the SAME exact plan on Verizon.

The Droid X screen beats the IPhone by far, though I do love the retina.

That is a PREFERENCE. Opinions are not fact.

Droid X loads faster. Droid X doesn't lose bars if you grip it too hard.

No. It has nothing to do with how hard you grip. Please read up on signal lose due to improper grounding of the antenna.

Droid X has double noise cancellation, making the calls as crisp as it gets.

Sorry. My wife has the Droid X. She agrees my iPhone sounds better and so do I. Again, you are assuming about your opinion.

Typing on a 4.3 inch keyboard makes everything so easy.

If you have really big fingers or lack proper coordination, I could see why you might need that. For us typists that put in on average of 50 hours a week, size is never an issue.

And best of all, I can hold my Droid with either hand, left or right.

I hold my iPhone with either hand as well. I am really wondering what kind of propaganda you are reading now.

The are tons of more reasons why its better, like in camera, processor, customization, etc, but I don't have enough time to right that out.

Again, your opinion. In fact you should look up the definition of opinion. You might actually learn something of why opinions are so useless in a debate of this nature.
Anybody get Handcent or any other customizable messaging app running on the iPhone 4? And is it possible to get customizable ringtones and / or notifications running on it even with a jailbreak? Thats one thing I enjoy about my Droid and Id hate to lose it.
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Anybody get Handcent or any other customizable messaging app running on the iPhone 4? And is it possible to get customizable ringtones and / or notifications running on it even with a jailbreak? Thats one thing I enjoy about my Droid and Id hate to lose it.

I am new to the IP4 but I do not think that handcent or gosms are available for iphone . Regarding ringtones, you can customize them..... however, I have yet to find a way to add new text tones.
Anybody get Handcent or any other customizable messaging app running on the iPhone 4? And is it possible to get customizable ringtones and / or notifications running on it even with a jailbreak? Thats one thing I enjoy about my Droid and Id hate to lose it.

I am new to the IP4 but I do not think that handcent or gosms are available for iphone . Regarding ringtones, you can customize them..... however, I have yet to find a way to add new text tones.

Handcent type programs can not exist on iOS unless jailbroken. iOS does not expose the users data to custom programs like Android.

Ringtone can be added to iOS. Texttones are locked at present and hopefully iOS 5, June 6th announcement most likely, will have the feature added.
Anybody get Handcent or any other customizable messaging app running on the iPhone 4? And is it possible to get customizable ringtones and / or notifications running on it even with a jailbreak? Thats one thing I enjoy about my Droid and Id hate to lose it.

I am new to the IP4 but I do not think that handcent or gosms are available for iphone . Regarding ringtones, you can customize them..... however, I have yet to find a way to add new text tones.

Handcent type programs can not exist on iOS unless jailbroken. iOS does not expose the users data to custom programs like Android.

Ringtone can be added to iOS. Texttones are locked at present and hopefully iOS 5, June 6th announcement most likely, will have the feature added.
Thanks, Im glad to know I can still customize txts. Hopefully the tone can be done later as well.

Is there any way for me to check out the Cydia Store without getting an iPhone and jailbreaking it? Id like to check it out and the selection of apps before making a final decision.
Anybody get Handcent or any other customizable messaging app running on the iPhone 4? And is it possible to get customizable ringtones and / or notifications running on it even with a jailbreak? Thats one thing I enjoy about my Droid and Id hate to lose it.

I am new to the IP4 but I do not think that handcent or gosms are available for iphone . Regarding ringtones, you can customize them..... however, I have yet to find a way to add new text tones.

Handcent type programs can not exist on iOS unless jailbroken. iOS does not expose the users data to custom programs like Android.

Ringtone can be added to iOS. Texttones are locked at present and hopefully iOS 5, June 6th announcement most likely, will have the feature added.
Thanks, Im glad to know I can still customize txts. Hopefully the tone can be done later as well.

Is there any way for me to check out the Cydia Store without getting an iPhone and jailbreaking it? Id like to check it out and the selection of apps before making a final decision.

Cydia Store · Cydia is one of the store sources I am aware of. I haven't looked into how many other source stores there are.

Keep in mind, iOS and Android are both *nix based OSes. If it can be done in Android, odds are it can be done in iOS the only difference is the level of manipulation. Android can be tore down to its very core because we can recompile the OS ourselves. iOS isn't that far along due to no source code being released. So basically programmers have to "discover" the hooks to do similar things.
Thanks again! Im glad I found two emulators there. Is there anywhere else can I check out apps for jailbroken iPhones? There is a selection there but not very much. For instance, I dont see BiteSMS which many people have spoken of. And will the apps run on any jailbroken iPhone?
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Just ditched the HTC Thunderbolt for the new white iPhone 4 32g and I love it so far, not as buggy and runs so smooth.
When the ios5 comes out, will we be able to upgrade it to our ip4? (i am new to the iphone)

That question is currently unanswerable with any factual information.

But if we were to extrapolate an answer based on past iOS releases, I would guess there is more than a 95% chance that iOS 5 will be released for the iPhone 4 after its launch, which currently is believed to be June 6th, and an 85% chance that all of its features will be available to 4th generation devices.
Just ditched the HTC Thunderbolt for the new white iPhone 4 32g and I love it so far, not as buggy and runs so smooth.

Nice! I was torn between the 2 but chose the iphone 4. Thinking I made the right decision.
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