Unable to view recorded videos once saved with privacy video apps

Unable to view recorded videos once saved with privacy video apps


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Apr 26, 2012
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I have been a droid only user. Recently I researched and researched iphone vs droid info for my latest phone upgrade. Even I couldn't deny how iphone seemed to surpass my own opinions of droid. I took the leap and have now had my first iphone for almost 1 week. I am navigating my way through fairly well as I did have an ipod touch but there are still areas that boggle me. For instance,

I have recently downloaded apps from app store dealing with privacy protection of videos. Once I have saved my videos to the application successfully I find that I cannot play them. I have downloaded several different video privacy apps and they all appear to respond the same making me think it is perhaps my iphone that I need to consider adjusting somehow. When I attempt to play the videos saved the application quickly brings up a video player (which looks more to be like a youtube video player than the one I am used to seeing when navigating through my vids via iphone library) and then the player quickly disappears and the app video library returns to the display. This leads me to believe it is not the applications that are not working. I feel as a user I have missed something, some setting that I should be utilizing. It's as tho the applications attempts to play the video but the video player is blocked. I did disable pop-ups via my iphone settings and this did not help. I also reset my network as I read this might help when researching through the forums and this did not help either. Am I missing something? Should I be adjusting video settings somewhere on my iphone? Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you. (the videos play fine when accessed directly through my camera/camera roll).
What device took the original video and what is the extension of that file that you are trying to play on the iPhone? Odds are you are dealing with a video codec that the iPhone doesn't know how to render.
Hats off to you. Thank you. I decided to record video with my iPhone, save it to privacy app and attempt to play. It does play. So now of course this begs the question how do I fix the problem. Is it possible for my iPhone to render a video sent from an android? Thank you again! Nice just knowing the problem. :-)
I came from the Android world and there are at least 4 different codecs in use on them. I finally gave up trying to fight the situation and bought a professional video conversion package. Avs4You was able to convert several hundred videos from three different Android phones to a usable format for the iPhone. If you aren't a Windows users, I don't have a recommendation for OSX yet even though I am looking for one myself.
So in short iPhone cannot read videos sent from androids? Can you help me understand why my iPhone WILL play the android videos sent to me but not when I attempt to play them through the privacy app? The privacy app can't read them? Just trying to understand better. So in short either keep my vidoes public in order to watch them or purchase the Avs4You (and where would I purchase this please). thank you.
So in short iPhone cannot read videos sent from androids? Can you help me understand why my iPhone WILL play the android videos sent to me but not when I attempt to play them through the privacy app? The privacy app can't read them? Just trying to understand better. So in short either keep my vidoes public in order to watch them or purchase the Avs4You (and where would I purchase this please). thank you.

How the video is sent to you is the key. If the video is sent thru MMS, it is translated to a lower bit rate to keep the size in check. They also switch to an industry standard at that point. Usually 3GGP. The iPhone then converts that on the fly to its internal codec and everything is fine. But if you transfer the file in thru another mechanism, then that conversation doesn't take place. Which is the result you are currently seeing.

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