Winterboard Themes Broke

Winterboard Themes Broke


New Member
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Jan 17, 2012
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I have jailbreaked my 3gs iphone and all is good. I am a newbie but was able to do it by the fine articles on this forum. I am running 5.0.1 and went and installed Winterboard but the themes are not working. I checked them off and did the respring but no good. What is the reason of dragging the themes around? I have changed the order to see if that would help. I put summerboard on and off, nothing changed. I have downloaded other themes and tried them, nothing. The only thing I did get to work was a Tampa Bay Buccaneers theme to work, have no clue why. I tried a Batman slider button, Battery Fuel Gauge ( that came on then off ) and some others. What can I do here? I don't know anything about opening folders and stuff, so go slow. Thanks
make sure that the theme you are getting are compatible with iOS 5.0.1 otherwise won't work.
The themes came with Winterboard so they must be ok with 5.0.1 Everyone else uses them
I'm having the same issue. First iPhone coming from android. It's a 4s and I rushed the jailbreak and ran to work. When I get home I'll restore my backup and do a proper jailbreak and see if I can figure it out.

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