There are 2 golf balls on the moon.
It's actually Phobos that's likely to break up first, sometime in the next 20-40 million years. The breakup, when it happens will be quite fast, occurring as quickly as a few days. Martian moon set to form ring around red planetMars will become a ringed planet. Gravitational forces are set to tear its moon, Deimos, to pieces.
Saturns rings will have a much longer life though as they're much further from the surface of the planet than the moons of Mars.
Saturns rings will have a much longer life though as they're much further from the surface of the planet than the moons of Mars.
Total eclipses will become rarer as time goes on until the last ever total eclipse will last mere seconds, if that. This also means that the tides will become lower with time, which could have a great impact on life in the tidal zone. It was the tidal zone that almost certainly was the catalyst for animal life moving from the sea to land.Yes, there is still plenty of time left to see them.
While we are on these huge time scales, eventually there will be no more solar eclipses since the moon is receding slowly from the earth. There will come a time when its apparent size is smaller than that of the sun.
The typical human body contains enough bones to create an entire human skeleton.
Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.