Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

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p3unit32 said:
What do you mean condition your battery thru 3 cycles?

I guess I should take my phone to Apple and let them switch it out. What do you guys think? NewdestinyX and sekelani?
I made an appointment with the genius bar but before I go, I wanted to ask your opinions. Do you think with Siri, wi-fi, Bluetooth, and location services would cause the battery to drain 10-15% every hour with moderate use?
I made an appointment with the genius bar but before I go, I wanted to ask your opinions. Do you think with Siri, wi-fi, Bluetooth, and location services would cause the battery to drain 10-15% every hour with moderate use?

I don't think this is right. I do pretty much exactly what you do, and both before AND after the OS update end the day with anywhere from 30% battery left (on a heavy day) to 70% battery left on a light day. That's a far cry from losing 10%-15% per hour - my day begins at 6AM and ends at around 11PM when the phone goes back on the charger.
JR956678 said:
I don't think this is right. I do pretty much exactly what you do, and both before AND after the OS update end the day with anywhere from 30% battery left (on a heavy day) to 70% battery left on a light day. That's a far cry from losing 10%-15% per hour - my day begins at 6AM and ends at around 11PM when the phone goes back on the charger.

Wow! I surely don't get those type of results unless I charge the phone twice. And again the standby is ok, but when the screen is lit, I see the battery draining. Within minutes it will have dropped 1-2%.
JR956678 said:
I don't think this is right. I do pretty much exactly what you do, and both before AND after the OS update end the day with anywhere from 30% battery left (on a heavy day) to 70% battery left on a light day. That's a far cry from losing 10%-15% per hour - my day begins at 6AM and ends at around 11PM when the phone goes back on the charger.

As a matter of fact, I took my phone off the charger close to 7a.m and it's 12:54 est and I'm at 59%. That's barely using it. Checking email 8X, posted to this forum 4-5 times today, four text messages three were multimedia, and was on Facebook app about a minute in a half.
I updated my phone to 5.0.1 yesterday and charged it to 100% and over night I still had 100% this morning, I saw a big difference on my phone, Before overnight it would of lost 7% just sitting there.
NewdestinyX said:
There is DEFINITELY something wrong with your phone, p3Unit. Yes - I would trade it out. Tell them your 10-15% an hour drop story. They shouldn't give you any trouble at the store if you're less than 30 days.. Heck - even after 30 days. Apple's pretty cool about that. Conditioning your battery requires you to , with a brand new phone to let the battery drain to near 0% then full charge it for 3 full cycles down to 0% before you then just plug it into your charger every night before going to bed no matter where the battery is. This is proper conditioning of a lithium ion rechargeable battery.

I took it back they basically did a reset. But the rep said it was a different type of reset. He also said all the hardware checked out fine including the battery. So we'll see, and thanks for the info on the battery conditioning.
p3unit32 said:
I guess I should take my phone to Apple and let them switch it out. What do you guys think? NewdestinyX and sekelani?

A lot of people have taken back there devices and when they get new ones they still have crappy battery. It's a bug in ios 5. Just wait for future update bud. I have a friend that took back his iPhone 4s and got a new one and it still had terrible battery life. Just wait for updates.
p3unit32 said:
I took it back they basically did a reset. But the rep said it was a different type of reset. He also said all the hardware checked out fine including the battery. So we'll see, and thanks for the info on the battery conditioning.

Told you bud. There is nothing wrong with the phone. Just the iOS
Something. Really bad happened in terms of my battery life this morning. Okay. My phone was 62% at 9:14am. Then I go on the net play music check the forum, then at 9:50 I have 48% wtf???
Hi all this is a pic of my usage from iPhone 4s would you say it's ok or bad


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I dont buy that stat regarding the standby time that the phone displays. I had the phone on yesteday and when it was at 37 percent the phone said standby of 13 hours and when I look at it right now with just down 5 percent (95 percent left) (And that is a rough estimate on percentage because I have other app monitoring software that was saying 99 percent after 4 hours.) It says 3.5 hour standby time. I don't think there's anything wrong with the battery on the phone, I think that the software isn't properly monitoring the battery life. I would recommend that some of you try something Like Battery Magic and take a look at what that has to say about the amount of time you can do different things. I have already stated this in another thread but basically it goes into how long you can watch movies, talk on 2g/3g, play games, listen to music, standby, etc. When my Iphone 4s is fully charged it says that I have 300 hours of standby. That's about 12.5 days. Don't think it will last that long, but Still if other apps are reporting different things than the OS then there's obviously something not quite right with the O.S. with regard to the reporting.
NewdestinyX said:
I wish you the best dude. But I don't think that's going to solve the problem. People who have your kind of problem need to replace the battery entirely no matter what the guy at the Genius Bar told you. And if it's not your battery then it's just this software glitch that you'll have to wait on Apple for a fix for.

Thanks man, I told the dude I'll be back.
sekelani said:
Something. Really bad happened in terms of my battery life this morning. Okay. My phone was 62% at 9:14am. Then I go on the net play music check the forum, then at 9:50 I have 48% wtf???

Exactly!!! That's what happens to me occasionally, and all I'm doing mostly is social networking.
I had the same battery problems on my iPhone 4, and since upgrading to 5.0.1 the battery is lasting longer than it ever has :)
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